
matchmedia wrapper for angularjs

View the Project on GitHub AnalogJ/matchmedia-ng

Matchmedia-ng Demo.

The following table is made up of some of the common media query aliases that matchmedia-ng supports. As you resize your window the value column will update automatically.

Try print preview to see how javascript can change the page before rendering the print view.

# Alias Media Query Value
1 onPrint print {{isPrint}}
2 onScreen screen {{isScreen}}
3 onPhone (max-width: 767px) {{isPhone}}
4 onTablet (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) {{isTablet}}
5 onDesktop (min-width: 979px) {{isDesktop}}
6 onPortrait (orientation: portrait) {{isPortrait}}
7 onLandscape (orientation: landscape) {{isLandscape}}